A downloadable game for Windows

Before to play, ready everything below, please :) 

Goal of the game:

Win who make more points!

How make points?

Around the office, there are task to slack . Go near SHINY  object and Press R or old Q to achieve them,

How to play: 

Click Play--> Insert your name and click "Go To Work".


if you want create a new Room, press "Create Room".

After you did that, click "Refresh List" in order to see your room.

Now you have to wait that "the game is connecting to the server" chages in "You can NOW Join a room!"

Now click "JOIN " under  "Room List"


if you want join a room of another player, click "Refresh List".

Now you have to wait that "the game is connecting to the server" changes in "You can NOW Join a room!" After 5 seconds, if that doesn't change, try to JOIN anyway!

Once you join the room, you have to press the refresh button and the ready button. When all your friends clicked it, you can press START

Room image:

You can press "ready up" or" refresh" to see the players in the room.

When all the players are ready and inside the room, press START (Warning! The start button start the game no matter what, so be careful to not hit before every your friends join it).

now you can press start! 

The game lasts 2 minute, I didn't want to bore too much :D

Weapons in the game:

Lunchbox: gives you invisibility for 5 seconds

Confetti Gun: press space near opponent to black screen them for 3 seconds


Cucible Escape 48 MB

Install instructions

(the game is from 2 to 8 players)

Advertise 1.:  Please don't spam click on the buttons, let them to call the API and reply it, if it doesn't work after 3-4 seconds, you can restart the game.

Advertise 2: I'm so sorry for the unpolish stuff like the ending screen. 

Advertise 3: sadly the manu page where you can select the character doesn't work, you will have the same character 

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